science educators for equity, diversity, & Social justice |
This format is designed to ignite and engage new ideas and scholarly endeavors that aim at alternative perspectives and activities to engage education and community stakeholders in socially just practices, ways of thinking, and theoretical frameworks in/for science education. The SEEDS conference team will group similarly themed papers. Each presenter will have an allotment of time to present their manuscript followed by a period of questions and discussion.
Proposal Development Requirements: Scholarship Incubator Block
Proposals should not exceed 750 words and must contain the following sections:
1. Subject/problem
2. Design or procedure
3. Analysis and findings
4. Relevance
Each section should address the questions listed below:
What is your study about? Why is it important?
What conceptual or theoretical framing guides your study?
How are you defining equity, diversity and/or social justice in terms of your literature base and/or experiences?
Design or Procedure
What is your methodology? Describe how your methodology aligns with your research question(s) or problem.
Describe your design, study context, data collection, and analysis.
When relevant, describe how your positionality as a researcher is evident in your work.
Analyses and Findings
What are your findings? (These may be arguments in the case of conceptual papers.)
How did you establish reliability, validity, or trustworthiness (as relevant to your methodology)?
How well are your findings supported given your methodological approach and/or reference to existing literature?
How does your study support and/or expand understandings and/or practices around equity, diversity and/or social justice in science education?
What new knowledge does this work contribute to the field?