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science educators for equity, diversity, & Social justice

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Our Mission

Science Education for Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice (SEEDS) is a non-profit organization committed to researching, building, and sustaining transformative educational opportunities in science with all students through critical engagement. SEEDS brings together researchers, teachers, parents, administrators, and community members who believe that transformative science education involves the active participation of all students in culturally and socially meaningful and contextually authentic science learning and SEEDS members also see the value of critical analyses of issues related to justice and power in science, science education, and science education research.

our Vision

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics play important roles in our global, diverse, and increasingly technologically-dependent society. Education in these areas is thus an area of critical significance for all members of our global community. Researchers and educators with a long commitment to addressing equity and social justice, may of whom are scholars of color, have moved beyond mainstream or superficial ways of addressing "STEM" education and instead seek to tackle these issues directly and with transformative action.

To this end, Science Educators for Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice (SEEDS) is an organization committed to researching, building, and sustaining transformative science education with all students through critical engagement. While primarily focusing on science education, SEEDS is committed to transdisciplinary scholarship and is interested in collaborations with educators and researchers from across the STEM/STEAM disciplines and beyond. 

As such, SEEDS brings together researchers, teachers, parents, administrators, and community members who envision transformative science education as involving: (1) the active participation of all students in culturally and socially meaningful and contextually authentic science learning, and (2) critical analyses of issues related to justice and power in science, science education, and science education research. 

SEEDS envisions science teaching and learning and science education research as endeavors that lead to increasing awareness of social and political contexts, the dismantling of traditional, colonizing understandings and practices of science and science education, and promoting collective responsibility for creating a just and equitable society.


  1. Disrupt patriarchal, traditional and elitist conference practices by providing multiple and diverse opportunities for all members (i.e., not just researchers affiliated with an institution of higher education) to engage as equal participants in critical conversations while feeling supported and valued.
  2. Advocate for research that aims to effect social change through critical reflection and analysis and culturally sustaining and sociopolitically engaged research
  3. Support opportunities for networking and cultivating partnerships among members, that provide synergism and critical feedback on their work.
  4. Facilitate productive collaboration and dialogue by encouraging members to use participatory and innovative approaches for sharing/presenting their work.
  5. Promote and encourage community activism through position statements in response to social injustices, summaries of publications authored by members, announcing community organizing events and support for related organizations.
  6. Enhance the participation of international members by providing the briefs in languages other than English and by actively seeking transnational collaborations for research and activism.
  7. Keep costs associated with membership and annual meetings accessible to all members by organizing events at local universities, schools, community centers and locally owned businesses.
  8. Take steps to provide additional support for colleagues traveling with their children; colleagues who are English language learners; and colleagues with special needs.


Our current bylaws can be found here

from our members... 

Science Educators for Equity Diversity and Social Justice is a 501(C)(3) public charity.

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