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science educators for equity, diversity, & Social justice

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Scholarship Incubator sessions are design to ignite and engage new ideas and scholarly endeavors that take aim at alternative perspectives and activities to engage education and community stakeholders in socially just practices, ways of thinking, and theoretical frameworks. During this session presenters will share the following elements of a manuscript of work in which they are seeking feedback, questions, and discussion:

  • discuss how their subject/problem addresses equity, diversity, and/or social or ecological justice issues in science education
  • describe the theoretical and/or conceptual traditions that frame their work
  • describe their methodological approach to grounding their research design and inquiry.
  • explore and explain potential implications and relevance of their work as they relate to issues of equity, diversity, and/or social justice


presentation time

12 minutes 

This time limit was developed in order to ensure equitable distribution of time for all individual presentations within the same session, accommodate opportunities for robust Q&A discussion, and ensure smooth transitions between presenters and sessions. 

Feedback & discussion time

5 minutes 

At the conclusion of each presentation, the facilitator will lead a brief feedback session with attendees and presenters to discuss ways for moving the work forward. 

facilitator recommended time progression

 Scholarship Incubator Session (with 3 incubators): 60 minute session

<5 mins

Welcome all, read session title and type (statement above), and turn it over to 1st author(s). 

17 mins total for Incubator A, comprising:

  • Presentation from author(s): 12 mins
  • Feedback and discussion time (Q&A facilitated by author[s]): 5 mins

17 mins total for Incubator B, comprising:

  • Presentation from author(s): 12 mins
  • Feedback and discussion time (Q&A facilitated by author[s]): 5 mins

17 mins total for Incubator C, comprising:

  • Presentation from author(s): 12 mins
  • Feedback and discussion time (Q&A facilitated by author[s]): 5 mins

<9 mins

Any leftover time may be used to invite Qs for open discussion across ideas raised in session.

Science Educators for Equity Diversity and Social Justice is a 501(C)(3) public charity.

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